Image source: Google Maps
Recently, we have been conducting some research for one of our clients on South Asian disaster history and its impacts on schools.
The interesting, unfortunate and perhaps already well publicized event is of the Kashmir earthquake in 2005 in which 17,000 School children were killed (out of a total life loss of some 80,000 reported) – the biggest known single event disaster to hit school buildings collectively. The number is exceptionally high because the earthquake struck during school hours. Other schools during other emergencies have been luckier – because it is the ‘important hours’ rather than ‘all hours’ that the children would spend in schools.
The next disaster events topping the list in the sub-continent are fire incidents, floods, war/terrorism, and malnutrition, only that these occur in a larger and slow intermittent period, measurable within a decade and amounting to a larger concerning number.
We will keep sharing more.
Quakeschool desk