I recently visited Sikkim, India after the 18th Sept. earthquake. The trip had a few-fold objectives, them being:
1. To understand the damage to buildings and infrastructure in the region
2. Visit the ‘School buildings’ and other institutional setups to understand the impact of this event
3. Observe the Disaster Response mechanism in place
Based on my field experiences and discussions with various people on this trip, I would like to make a few recommendations; as following:
1. Large engineering companies, universities in Gangtok, and individuals have studied Sikkim to a great extent, and their expertise should be utilized for safety and improvement of infrastructure.
2. The earthquake appears an opportunity for overall developmental improvements (access and amenities) in settlements that are urbanizing, such as worst hit Chungthang.
3. Traditional Wattle and Daub (Collq. Ekra) construction has performed well against the earthquake, and has low damage. This construction should be encouraged, and innovation in this area could yield comfortable and safer houses.
4. The damages in Chungthang have caused mental health issues to houseowners (especially who had made large investments) and counseling is an immediate need.
5. Damages in various school buildings have instilled fear/caution in children. Instead of listening to that fear, perhaps it is more prudent that opportunities are created for learning about earthquakes.
6. Sikkim is an opportunity, and can be shown as an example of collective governance, not only from the safety point of view but also development needs of the North East of Indian subcontinent.
For the detailed report refer www.quakeschool.org/files/110922SikkimEarthquake.html
By [With Acknowledgements]
Mr. Chandra Bhakuni, Structural Engineer, Quakeschool Consulting
[With sincere thanks to Manu and his SEEDS Delhi team, Mrs. Rinkoo Wadhera from local DOU unit, Mr. Prashant Pradhan and his team at Architects of Sikkim , Tshering (School Teacher), Sohel da (Faculty, Sikkim University), Col. Wadhera, Col. Vishal, and Quakeschool team and many others I could meet during this trip.]