The Kensville site is located just before
the great marshes of Nalsarovar bird sanctuary on a natural drainage path, and
therefore has a high water table. This geological / geomorphologic feature has
led to foundation soil being dominantly of silty sand type. Approximately,
seventy five percent (75%) of the soil is grainy and rest is highly shrinking
clay. In colloquial terms*, the soil is also known as black cotton soil. The soil
is highly draining in nature besides its average bearing capacity. This soil
condition along with existing loads required us to consider a circular masonry
foundation, on which the ferrocement shell and landscape grass composite would
rest. It is intended that enough
integrity is achieved by the foundations and the superstructure shell
independently, which then would account for differential movement conditions
because of the soil. See the sketch below for details.
Construction of this masonry foundation is complete
and the floor plinth is being readied now. Like other parts of the country, availability
of qualified workforce is a concern, and the site’s remoteness keeps the pace
of our work slow. However, our contractors Nirav and Dakshesh found local
workforces proficient in brick masonry and excavation. Soon after completion of
excavations, constant interaction with the brick masons, before starting the
work and during execution, ensured desired quality.
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At present, mobilization of materials for construction of ferrocement shell is underway; and we will keep uploading information here as work progresses. Please keep visiting.
For pictures click
At present, mobilization of materials for construction of ferrocement shell is underway; and we will keep uploading information here as work progresses. Please keep visiting.
*black cotton soil is a local technical
simlie for highly shrinking clay