Thursday, August 19, 2010

Some thoughts on Education Infrastructure in Developing Countries

Schools are an integral feature in which the future citizens of the society are moulded to become responsible citizens. Hence it is necessary that the environment in which schools operate induces a sense of security, comfort and creativity in the students. Structurally safe and sound classrooms are imperative to install a sense of security in the students, and spacious and properly designed playgrounds where students unwind in recess are also an important feature of any school. Most of this is missing in a majority of schools in various cities and towns in the developing world. Schools crammed up in shopping complexes without even basic facilities of space and quality education are mushrooming in India, where we live. Also, these schools are located in risky areas as they are located in busy sections of a city without any place for school playgrounds, and no space for the students to play and unwind during recess.

Also there exists a great risk during fire and other unexpected events. The students are forced to mingle with the crowd and traffic outside since there is no way where they can have a dedicated space of their own. This causes serious safety concerns. Provision of open spaces, head counting and other simple crisis management techniques can be applied to improve the situation.

There are some preventive measures – such as, care can be taken to ensure that there is provisioning for first aid in the school premises, and serious medical emergencies are further catered by ensuring proper connectivity with the nearby hospitals. Fire safety drills should be introduced in the schools. There should be separate drills for external emergencies like earthquakes, bomb threats, etc. Proper emphasis should be given on the evacuation plans. Another important aspect is the accessibility of the school - dry runs (evacuation drills) may also tell if there are access problems for fire vehicles and ambulances. Over all, the safety of the premises needs to be taken very seriously so that the safety of the students is not compromised.

Safe schools are in everyone’s interest. By inculcating a sense of ‘security’ and ‘ease’ in the school environment, we can ensure that students perform to their best and their full potential is realized.